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Articles, kinesiology May 25, 2024 by paula

Finding the Sweetness in Life

What single word best describes your life currently?

Being an adult can be very overwhelming. Responsibilities abound – they always take time and they often cost money.  We can struggle to feel we’re getting anywhere and can find our days have become “rinse and repeat” – we do our work, our chores, our life admin, our exercise (if we’re disciplined); we eat, we do something to entertain us or that helps us to wind down, and then we sleep – but maybe not all that well.

Every day I see people who are wanting to heal, to improve, to reduce stress and to become a better version of themself.  When I start working with a client, it’s mostly because they feel stuck in some way. They may not like the version of life they’re living. 

If this resonates with you, below are a handful of strategies that may help navigate the demands of life while also enjoying it:

1.       Make time to notice and appreciate what makes life meaningful.

We find what we look for.  If you’re looking for problems, you’ll find them. If you’re looking for things that you enjoy, you’ll notice them more. There’s usually a lot to be done, but surely there’s time to take a minute to find something you enjoyed, appreciated or found meaningful? You could try thinking of one thing you appreciate every time you wash your hands and see how you feel.

2.       Share the things that make life sweeter
I did a mindfulness course years ago and from there, started a family dinner time practice where we each share three things based from our day:

1.       The best bit of my day

2.       One thing I’m grateful for

3.       One thing I’m looking forward to

It’s honestly transformed our conversations. You can do this any time of the day; if you don’t have the luxury of eating meals with a loved one, you might choose to take a photo of a thing you’re grateful for and text it to a friend. There are also online gratitude groups such as Gratitude Now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gratitudenow/

3.       Not so random acts of kindness

Making a conscious decision to perform small, regular acts of kindness lifts your mood and that of others. The energy of one act goes far beyond the person you did it for – it genuinely makes the world a kinder and better place to live.

4.       The power of play

As we get older, the weight of responsibility can make us forget how much playfulness boosts our quality of life. We can get caught up on needing to be productive and needing to achieve more.  We can even forget that we are fun. Play is productive! Look at small children: Their life is all about fun and they learn through play. And here’s a fun fact: the things that were fun for you as a kid are generally still fun for you as an adult. Have you ever played peek a boo with another adult? You cannot play it without smiling! You may not be feeling playful, but don’t let that stop you – choose to be playful and see if it changes how you feel.

We’ve all heard the saying “Small things amuse small minds.” I couldn’t disagree more! I think if you’re amused by small things it means your heart and mind are more open, expansive and creative – and you’re generally more content.  I also believe that saying was created by an adult who was bogged down by life 😉

So let’s return to your one word that describes your life. Is it a word you want to keep, or is it time for change?

If you could benefit from some support to get unstuck and to enjoy your life more, you’re welcome to book a kinesiology balance with me


Photo by Les Argonautes on Unsplash

1 Comment

Sarah / May 25, 2024

Great ideas 💡 Thank you

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