Do you ever feel disappointed by others?  Or with yourself?  Ever stopped to wonder why? 

Expectations play a major part in how we feel, every day.  They also have a massive impact on our interpersonal relationships.  We form our “base” expectations quite early in life and are often a reflection of how we were raised within our family home.

If we place high expectations on ourselves, it’s very likely that we also place high expectations on others. This is where disappointment and resentment can arise.

If you’re up for it, I’d like to suggest a simple experiment this week.  Notice if it makes a difference to how you feel.

1.       Notice when you feel disappointed – by something another person has or has not done.

2.       Ask yourself “What was my expectation here?” and answer honestly.

3.       Choose whether this expectation was helpful, or limiting.

4.       Decide to drop the expectation and see how you feel.

Note: If you’d prefer to hold onto that disappointment, that’s entirely your choice.  But the spirit of the experiment is to raise awareness of our expectations and to check whether they are helpful or limiting.  If they result in disappointment, anger or resentment, they represent limitations to you moving forward with freedom.


Would love to hear how you go. Let me know in the comments below.