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Articles, kinesiology, Relationships November 23, 2024 by paula

Embracing Simplicity

My word of the year for 2024 was “Simplify.” I wanted to challenge the practice we often have to overcomplicate things in life – and I wanted make my own life simpler!

This very human tendency likely relates to our desire to have control, to meet perceived expectations of others and unrealistic expectations on ourselves.  It can impact our daily lives and relationships, leaving us feeling stressed and unsatisfied.

This time of year can feel stressful, so what better time to simplify? If you’d like to try it, here’s a little experiment:

  1. Notice when you start getting caught up in details or trying to take control of more than is possible (which is anything outside of your words or your actions.)
  2. Ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?” Reflect honestly, then decide if the process you’re taking is necessary, or if it feels like a struggle. If you decide it is necessary, carry on with a sense of clarity.
  3. If it feels like a struggle, choose to either Stop or Simplify:
    • Stop: decide that this task or battle is not needed. Let it go – without guilt – and enjoy the space you just created!
    • Simplify: decide what your core concern is and what steps are genuinely needed to resolve it. What will bring you satisfaction and peace? Then take the steps, one at a time.

Our tendency to build things up into mountains causes us stressful emotions like overwhelm and frustration, habits like procrastination and many long-term impacts to our health and wellbeing. Our choice to simplify gives us permission to break things down so we do what is needed, while feeling more clarity, ease and satisfaction.

If you’d like some help to simplify, to live an empowered life with more freedom and enjoyment, you’re most welcome to book a kinesiology balance.

1 Comment

Sj / November 23, 2024

Love this! 🩵🌻

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